Family Lawyer

When Do You Need a Family Lawyer?

A family lawyer can help absolve a variety of legal problems relating to marriage, children, and family. When you need to solve a family issue through legal means, hiring a reputable family lawyer in Kent and other locations should be your next step.

Essentially, a family lawyer helps you handle legal matters involving your family members, which may arise from divorce, separation, disputes, lawsuits, and others. If you are not sure what type of lawyer to hire for your case, here are the instances wherein a family lawyer is ideal:

Divorce and separation issues

Any type of separation is often emotionally charged, mentally draining, and time-consuming. Spouses and their respective legal representatives have a hard time going about the divorce unless both sides want to settle without a fight. Unfortunately, not all couples go through a peaceful mediation process. For issues with divorce, having a family lawyer by your side with enough expertise about divorce proceedings is a big help.

Here are some divorce-related issues that may require a family lawyer:

  • Assets and property distribution. It can be tricky to divide assets between two divorcing spouses, especially if said assets are plentiful. A family lawyer can help sort out real estate, savings, investments, businesses, etc. between you and your spouse.
  • Children. A family lawyer will help you settle child support, custody rights, visitation rights, and other child custody issues with the children’s best interests in mind.
  • Alimony. Issues with financial support can become complex. A family lawyer can assist both parties in settling these financial matters peacefully.

 Family Lawyer

Adoption and foster care issues

Adoption and fostering can sometimes be legally complex matters. However, it shouldn’t stop you from growing your family. If you happen to run into problems with adoption and fostering, a family lawyer can assist you in navigating the legal system and help you take your new family member home. Examples of adoption and foster care problems you may run into are:

  • Birth mothers who change their minds and want to get their children back
  • Putative fathers may want to claim their children
  • Issues with adopting children of a different race
  • The adopted child might ask for the names of their birth parents
  • The birth parents and adoptive parents run into problems with open adoption

Child and spousal abuse

A more serious matter that needs the attention of family lawyers is domestic abuse. Men, women, and children who experience physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional abuse from their spouses and parents should seek help from a family attorney immediately. In this way, they are taken out of the situation as soon as possible and placed into a safer environment.

If you are experiencing any of the following types of abuse, reach out immediately:

  • Physical. Physical violence such as hitting, slapping, scratching, etc.
  • Emotional abuse. Constant humiliation, insult, or criticism to the victim by their abuser.
  • Sexual abuse. Includes rape, sexual assault, and unwanted advances.
  • Psychological abuse. Causing consistent fear and psychological trauma to the victim.
  • Financial abuse. Controlling all the money inside the house in an unhealthy way.

We all want a quiet and peaceful life, but some problems just keep coming. In case you encounter legal issues that involve family members, it’s important to get the right help you need from an experienced lawyer.

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