When you buy an insurance policy, you expect your insurance company to give you fair compensation when you need it. However, some insurance companies act in bad faith to get out of paying a settlement or paying the amount that you rightfully deserve. When this happens, contacting a bad faith insurance or wrongful death attorney in Long Beach or other places must be your next course of action.
To determine if your insurance company is acting in bad faith, look out for the following signs:
1. Lowballing your settlement
An insurance company is a business; one of their goals is to make money. However, if your insurer is pressuring you to accept a lowball settlement, they may be acting in bad faith. In this case, don’t accept a settlement without consulting a lawyer first.
2. Failure to conduct a proper investigation
All insurance companies must conduct an adequate investigation in your case to determine the right amount of compensation you deserve. If they don’t perform a thorough investigation, you may have a case against them for bad faith insurance.
3. Wrongful denial
If your insurance claim comes back denied without a valid reason or proper explanation, don’t back down. Even though they are legally allowed to deny your claim, failure to provide a reason or explanation is a sign that they are acting in bad faith.
4. Abusive behavior
Some insurance companies may employ abusive tactics to get you to accept a settlement. They may pressure you, use complicated language to confuse you, or make you feel that there is no other way to get fair compensation. Unfortunately, many people fall for these tactics without consulting a lawyer. If this happens to you, get a legal representative immediately.
5. Lack of communication
A good insurance company should always communicate with their clients in a timely manner. If you have trouble contacting them or getting answers to your questions, they may be avoiding their responsibility of compensating you.
6. Delay in payment
When filing an insurance claim, you need to submit certain requirements to prove your accident or illness. However, if your insurance company is taking too long to pay you, they may be operating in bad faith in order to get out of their responsibility.
7. Intentional misinterpretation
Insurance companies acting in bad faith may also try to deceive you through intentional misinterpretation of the law or policy. They may do this by using vague language, misusing policy or legal terms, or citing policy clauses or laws that do not apply to your case. Be vigilant when communicating with your insurance company. If you feel that they are intentionally confusing you, reach out to a lawyer who can help.
8. Unreasonable demands
While you need to provide enough documentation when filing an insurance claim, be wary of unreasonable demands by your insurer. For example, if they ask you to provide evidence that is irrelevant to your case, they are likely acting in bad faith.
If you feel that your insurance company is acting in bad faith, trust your gut. Be on the lookout for these signs and get a lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.