Connecting with Your Audience Online: Will SEO Help You?

Even before you implement any strategy to reach your audience online, the first step is to know them. Through various analytics tools available in social media, you can get details about people who follow your accounts, including their location, gender or age.

Knowing Your Online Audience

To manage a successful online business, you must have an established online audience to serve, which is why the question of knowing your audience comes upfront. Once you have a hint of what your audience is, including their general interests, you can proceed to formulate a product or service that matches those interests.

All the same, the big question is, how do you reach your audience? Well, you have utilised social media and Google analytics to know the kind of people you serve. You understand their questions and the answers they need. You understand the problems they want to be solved.

But now, how do you connect with them? How do you ensure that they remain hooked to the information about your product or service? For the growth and success of your business, you should expand your reach and visibility to meet your business goals.

Tapping On Search Engine Optimisation


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one of the ways to get your online audience hooked to your brand. It happens through quality content with ‘take-away’ elements. However, the content must win you enough shares, comments or likes so the information can remain relevant online.

In the digital space, webmasters use SEO to rank websites on search engine result pages such as Google. It’s the reason some websites rank higher than others on search engine result pages (SERPs). With support from a reliable digital marketing agency in Melbourne, you can optimise your content to match the needs of your visitors and rank your website accordingly.

The more your website remains optimised, the greater are your chances of reaching your target market. Here are various ways to optimise your content for SEO:

  • Mobile optimisation

Search engines such as Google give priority to websites that utilise the mobile-first indexing. This implies that such websites are optimised for use across various devices including mobile phones. Research by Statista in 2018 revealed that mobile phones generate up to 52 per cent of website traffic. If you skimp on mobile optimisation, you can easily lose half or more of your web traffic and leads.

  • Using relevant keywords

Google handles over forty thousand search queries per second. With such a huge number to process, your content can only show up for the target audience if you use relevant keywords. This is achievable with proper keyword research according to the requirements of your audience.

  • Building quality backlinks

Back linking is the art of using authority and reputable blogs to link to your page. It’s a way of winning the trust of the authority sites to see your page as a credible and reliable source of information. You can do this through guest posting on other blogs, which eventually highlights the authority of your website.

Importantly, social media analytics tools could help you know the type of content that your online audience prefers. Therefore, it’s important to conduct regular audits of your social handles.

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