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How NGOs and Charities Can Leverage Technology to Achieve Their Purpose and More

Running non-governmental organizations can be a fulfilling role. One gets to create awareness and build a brand that aims to work for both the welfare and betterment of society. But then, both NGOs and charities usually operate on tight budgets. This makes it hard for most NGOs to fund different technologies. But like any other organization, leveraging the right technology can make a big difference in how NGOs operate.

Why Should NGOs and Charities Focus More on Using Technology?

Any organization can take advantage of the different tech innovations available. With the right technology, NGOs can improve the efficiency of their operations. They can boost their ability to compete with other NGOs and sectors, increase the impact of their mission, and expand their reach.

To some degree, non-profits can strategically use technology to maintain a profit margin. But the main goal is to heighten the effectiveness of the organization and boost its public value.  If NGOs can utilize the right kind of innovations, they can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their work and make a bigger impact on the world.

What Stops NGOs and Charities from Leveraging Technology?

When you belong in such an organization, your focus is to help more people and raise awareness of what your organization is fighting for. Unlike businesses, their main goal is not to gain more customers, get more sales, and grow the brand. They are not here to make a profit but to make a difference.

Most NGOs are also led by older people who are not that tech-savvy. This can also be one reason why some non-profits are not keen on relying on technology too much. Lack of knowledge, lack of funding, and unwillingness to embrace technology are often the reasons why many NGOs still operate as they did a few years ago.

What Kinds of Technology Can NGOs and Charities Use?

There is an abundance of technology available to non-profits. But since every NGO and charity is different, one needs to do their own research to check which innovations they can leverage more. Some technologies worth investing in are as follows.

Fuel Management Systems

Most NGOs and charities have their own vehicle fleet to run errands and complete missions. But then, maintain vehicles and fuel costs can easily add up. Since you are already working on such a tight budget, you want to trim your costs as much as possible without putting your people at risk.

Thankfully, there is a way to reduce costs while improving the efficiency of your vehicle fleet. With a reliable fuel management system, you can lower your fuel usage, reduce maintenance costs as well as servicing expenses. You increase visibility over your assets in a single system, making it easier to keep an eye on your assets.

Such a system also works best in managing your fleet operations even if your vehicles are in multiple locations. You get more savings and make the most out of every donation. You can also be sure that your fleet stays compliant and reduce vehicle downtime.

Digital Marketing

Online marketing

The usual way of reaching out to people, asking for donations, and showing them what happens to their money can be time-consuming and exhausting. Thankfully, many NGOs already have their websites and social media pages set up. But having a website alone and being on social is not enough to entice more people to donate and help your organization reach your goals.

Optimizing your website and social media marketing can help boost your reach and entice your target audiences and keep them engaged.  Creating your own blog can help people understand more about your previous works, how you use the donations to achieve your purpose and spread your message. Creating a powerful email marketing strategy is another way to engage with your audience and coax them to continue supporting your organization.

Your Own App

These days, most people have their own smartphones they can use at their disposal. Most people use this to buy things, do a bit of internet research, entertain themselves, and reach out to their contacts. With your own app, your NGO or charity can stay relevant and competitive against other non-profits.

Not all non-profits have their own app. Many only use their own website and social media page to create awareness and seek donations. But according to a 2017 report, up to 94% of people who give charitable donations believe non-profits need their own app.

These are but a few advantages of building an app for your charity or NGO:

  • Raise awareness
  • Collect donations
  • Introduce new programs
  • Embrace micropayments
  • Showcase your achievements
  • Show donors where the money is going
  • Foster and engage with your community
  • Entertain and educate app users regarding the aspects of your cause

These are but some reasons why non-profits should start embracing technology more. There are numerous innovations one can use to raise awareness about what your organization is all about, where you use the funds and what projects you are currently working on. Embracing innovation can help raise money, save more cash, extend your reach, and illustrate the impact every member makes for every donation they give.

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