closeup of hot and cold faucet of water dispenser

Keeping Your Workforce Hydrated

We all know that water is essential for us to properly function and stay healthy. But some companies may overlook or simply forget to invest in ways to keep their workforce hydrated and would force workers to bring their own water or perhaps even drink from the tap (which could be potentially unsafe and unhealthy depending on the water source and treatment).

Hydration and Productivity

To illustrate how vital workforce hydration is when it comes to a company’s operations, statistics show that a 1% drop in hydration levels could result in a 12% drop in productivity, whereas 3% to 4% dehydration could drop one’s productivity between 25% and 50%.

Water loss could suppress blood flow to the brain, which lessens one’s reaction time, attention, cognitive process and overall performance. If that is not enough to convince you, here are other reasons you need to keep your workforce properly hydrated:

Lesser Sick Days

When employees take a day off, it affects a company’s operations and productivity. Dehydration could cause an employee to fall ill and weaken their immune system, making them susceptible to other illnesses.

And 35% of gastrointestinal illnesses that can cause an employee to take a sick leave are actually water-related. That said, it’s not only important to provide your employees with a constant supply of water, but you need to invest in ensuring your workforce access to clean, safe, potable drinking water while at work, so they don’t end up drinking from the tap.

Proper and safe hydration could also help avoid potential workplace accidents caused by dehydrated and lethargic workers.

Employee Morale and Bonding

We’ve all seen or heard of “water cooler chats” or breaks. Having water coolers or any other water systems in your office allows for workers to have a place to hang out in and socialise. In fact, a study by MIT shows that water cooler chatter can improve employees’ morale, allow them to build healthy work relationships, and consequently improve their productivity.
So now that you know how proper hydration affects your workers, let’s explore the common ways that you can provide access to safe drinking water in your workplace:

Water Systems You Can Employ

stack of bottled water in the fridge

Bottled Water Systems. This is one of the most common and popular choices when it comes to hydration. You can buy stocks of bottled water, or buy gallons of purified water from a water purifying company or business near you. However, this may cost you extra storage space and could be quite cumbersome.

Water Purification Systems. A water purification system is perhaps one of the best options available today when it comes to workforce hydration. These systems can remove bacteria, chemicals, and other harmful substances from tap water at a low cost and doesn’t require intrusive installation or changes in your plumbing.

Water Fountains. Water fountains are cheap and traditional ways to keep an establishment such as schools and offices hydrated. However, not all water fountains are filtered, and it could be potentially unsanitary due to the way water is delivered and may even spread disease if workers use their mouths directly on the spout. There are water fountains with more sanitary designs and have better filtration systems.

A hydrated workforce is a productive and healthy one; so investing in a water purification system or a water fountain, or partnering with a water purifying company (bottled water systems) is practically investing in your workforce.

Whichever option you choose, just make sure that your employees have constant access to safe drinking water.

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