Podcasting for Business: Why It’s the Next Big Strategy

More than one million podcasts are up, producing 30 million episodes. The numbers are climbing, which means an increasing number of people are listening. And according to a Nielsen report, more than 60 million homes in the US are fans of the digital audio program. These figures present you with an incredible opportunity to market your business.

A Creative Medium for Commerce

Marketers are beginning to explore the opportunities offered by podcasting. Some businesses that have launched podcasts include Samsung (with “What’s Next”), which focuses on the future of technology; Nintendo (with “Nintendo Power Podcast”), which focuses on news and gaming, and Google (with “This Week in Google”), which talks about the latest developments with the brand and cloud computing news.

Although most of these brands are in the tech world, that doesn’t mean your niche business wouldn’t have a place in the podcasting market. The most popular podcasting genres include:

  • Business
  • Health
  • News and Politics
  • Society and Culture
  • Comedy

Other genres include lifestyle, true crime, sports, and special interest. Most people listen to podcasts for their interests, others to learn something, and some prefer it as an alternative to music.

And it works for business for the following reasons:

Reach an audience, gain new customers

A properly produced and marketed podcast will help your business reach new audiences and attract customers. With potential millions to reach, your company could build on the connections you make with listeners. But it’s not just about the number of audience members that provides opportunities for your brand. It’s also about the spending power of those listeners.

Forty-five percent of podcast fans have an annual income of more than $75,000. They’re also more likely to follow businesses on social media, which means your podcast could be a potential traffic driver, too. And with over 69 percent saying they’ve discovered new products or services from podcasts, the digital medium is an effective way to build your brand.

Strengthen brand image

Business podcasts can provide the ultimate value for listeners by offering insights, tips, and interviews. Your episodes could highlight your company’s expertise, shoring up your authority in an industry. By establishing your business as the go-to brand, you build trust with your audience and strengthen your brand’s image.

With the right content and marketing strategies, your podcast could become a revenue earner and a way to maintain customer loyalty.

But how do you market a podcast?

A Communication Strategy

Using technology

Podcasts work because they enable intimate conversations and deliver engaging stories. Because you’re also likely entering a competitive market, you need your audio program to stand out. Much like you’d work meticulously to on the development and design of your brand, you’ll also need to spend time on audio brand identity.

Audio brand identity will cover the music or jingle for your podcast and the host’s tone of voice. Both should match your brand’s personality as well as evoke the theme or concept of your audio program. Next, you need a visual identity that goes with the podcast and your brand’s values. Think about how the image would look among all other podcast titles on iTunes, Spotify, or Pocket Casts.

Once you’ve established your brand, try the following basic steps:

  • Release three episodes on launch day
  • Encourage listeners to subscribe, share, and review
  • Publish at strategic hours

Podcasting could become a lucrative avenue for your business. With plenty of opportunities, you’re certain to reach an audience, connect with potential customers, and boost your bottom line.

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