
Stay Ahead of Hackers with These Security Innovations

In the past, businesses only had to worry about physical thieves. Nowadays, data thieves are all over the Internet, and they can lead to you losing your data. Many business owners think that they have enough security, but with the progress of technology, they are outdated. Here are some new technologies and techniques that allow better data protection:

Limited Network Access

One new technique that people have been using with great success is creating mini-networks inside their primary network. This sets up people in their own space to work. For example, HR and Accounting would have their own network space, and they would not be sharing anything fully.

All of them are connected to a more extensive network that encompasses the entire company. With limited systems, a digital intruder would have a hard time accessing all the files of the company. Most hackers gibe up when faced with a hard target, and a segmented network will be a lot of work for them.

Security Testing for Third-party Apps

Many companies use a variety of apps for them to be productive. These can range from word processors to messaging apps. The problem with app usage is that some companies are left vulnerable when the app they use has a security flaw. If you want to be sure, you can use tools that check for risky behavior in apps.

This technology doesn’t directly look into the code of an app. What it does is to analyze the behavior of an app and notify you about any risky behaviors that can cause you problems in the future. You can even specify what level of security compliance you want from apps.

Using Hardware for Authorization

data protection

Keys are the most traditional security devices, keeping people out of locked rooms that they do not have the key to. Hardware authentication is using the same basic idea of a key for computers. Usually, you would only be asked to input a password for access to a system.

This technology adds another layer to it. Instead of depending on passwords that hackers can guess from clues, some systems now require you to use a hardware authentication device. They would need the actual physical device to access your files and system, which is pretty much impossible.

Moving to the Cloud

Many of the current data security techniques are mainly concerned about on-premises measures. But as more businesses are transitioning to the use of the cloud, then your security will be dependent on cloud services. This can range from virtual firewalls to virtual intrusion detection systems.

While this is technically out of your control, you should be talking to your cloud provider about what they can offer you in terms of security. As infrastructure-as-a-service, they might be able to provide you with some options that you might not have access to or usually can’t afford.

Don’t be stuck in the past. If your data security procedures are more than a few years old, then they probably need an update. Consult cybersecurity services and look up some of the new technologies mentioned above to see what you can do with your data security options.

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