
The Future Office: Technologies Businesses Need

Technology is essential in any business because without it, a company risks falling behind. With the right systems and tools, your business could boost productivity, improve customer service, and beat the competition. But which technologies would suit your office best?

Start with the simplest, easiest upgrade.

The Upgrades Every Office Needs

Much like the innovation in furniture for classrooms, office supplies are getting inventive as well. The desk, for instance, no longer limits your movement. Modern desks are designed to correct your posture. With a motorized foundation, it can be configured into a sitting or standing desk. These innovative desks not only promote better health, but they also improve productivity.

Some of the highly advanced models feature sensing and actuation components as well as data analysis. The desk gathers relevant data and adjusts according to the user’s comfort and needs.

A desk isn’t the only upgrade you’ll want to make your employees’ lives easier, helping them become more productive.

Consider wireless charging stations around the office. The concept has been around for 100 years since Nikola Tesla showcased magnetic resonance coupling. But it hasn’t been developed for practical application until recently. Some rely on electromagnetic fields between copper coils. Others use loosely-coupled electromagnetic resonant charging, which transmits a charge within a few centimeters. Then there are models that use radiofrequency wireless charging.

Through this seemingly simple technology, you enhance the mobility of your workers and improve their productivity.

These upgrades allow your business to easily but seamlessly transition to a smarter office. Once you’ve made the more accessible changes, you can plan to transform your workplace for the future.

Automation and Choice

group of happy employees

Office automation makes it easy for you to control every aspect of the office, from the heating and cooling systems to the air conditioning. You can improve the interior environment with a swipe from your smartphone or tablet.

One automation to think about could be the lighting system.

Lighting is a crucial element in any office environment. Artificial and natural lighting affect morale and productivity, leading to absenteeism due to illnesses and a lack of focus. A good design would be to make the system personalized, which will allow employees to control overhead lighting. They can enhance or dim the lights through an app.

If automated lighting systems aren’t practical for your budget, try a different type of lighting fixtures. A company called JoyTunes has workstations built with adjustable overhead lights that hang below an 18-foot ceiling.

Another technology to think about is visitor management systems. Instead of relying on sign-in sheets and cluttering up a reception desk, consider installing a digital check-in system. A digital check-in system not only enhances your brand’s images as an innovator. You could also save money on getting paper supplies and on receptionist wages. Startups with limited staff could benefit greatly from this system.

The future office makes way for improved productivity, better employee health and morale, and enhances your brand’s image. Invest in the right systems, and your business will find it easier to operate and beat the competition.

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