man with dented car

Three Common Myths in Car Accidents That Ruin Your Chances for Fair Compensation

No one wants to get involved in a serious accident. But these situations often arise in the most unexpected circumstances. These accidents take various forms, from car accidents, slip and fall, dog bite injury, medical malpractice, product liability, and other cases where an individual causes negligent or intentional harm to another person.

Accidents range from minor to severe injuries, which may subject a victim to hospitalization. In this case, people turn to a personal injury attorney to pursue a claim and secure the highest settlement from an insurance company.

Car accident lawyers are an example of a personal injury lawyer that deals with motor vehicle-related accidents. They help clients build a case to prove who’s responsible for the accident and support their compensation requests and other claims.

Getting involved in a car accident is certainly traumatic and stressful. Whether you’re the victim or the driver, people often turn to their family and friends for advice and support. In the process, they end up receiving misleading information that can get them into bigger trouble. To prevent this from happening, here are some common misinformation and myths surrounding car accident claims and lawsuits.

Myth # 1: You miss your chance if you don’t file a lawsuit immediately.

Some injuries may take days or weeks before a victim discovers the extent of the injury. This often happens in traumatic brain injuries that take months or years before they manifest.

People assume they cannot file an injury claim if they end up uninjured at the scene of the accident. Refusing to call the ambulance after the accident shouldn’t keep you from making a claim. In some cases, people opt not to call an ambulance and refuse to see a doctor because they’re worried about the expenses.

Most victims sustain injuries that initially appear minor but worsen after weeks or months. When left unchecked, car accident injuries result in arthritis, bone injuries, and other permanent consequences. Whether you have injuries or not, it’s important to consult a doctor to determine if the accident has something to do with the injury. This way, you’ll know if you’re eligible to file a case.

While it is true that clients have a limited time to file a claim for compensation for their injury, the time limit depends on each state. For example, the state of Tennessee only allows the victim to file a lawsuit within one year from the date of the accident. Otherwise, the victim will lose their right to receive payment.

man checking for scratches

Myth #2: If it’s a minor accident, there’s no need to file a police report.

Failure to submit a police report can get you into legal trouble. According to the law, the driver should pull over at the scene whether the accident did not incur any injury or if it resulted in minor damages. Fleeing from the scene can cause misdemeanor charges.

If you end up in a road accident, don’t hesitate to pull over. If you’re injured, avoid moving and wait for emergency personnel. If you’re free from any injuries, check if someone got hurt. Call the authorities to handle the situation.

If the driver escapes from the scene, don’t attempt to follow. Instead, memorize the plate number and other necessary details. If you have a phone with you, document the scene by taking photos and ask for the contact details of the witnesses. If it’s a car collision, exchange information about the vehicle and insurance with the driver. Notify the insurance firm and seek a doctor right after the accident.

Myth # 3: There’s no need for a car accident lawyer for a road accident.

Most people trust their insurance firm to secure their rights and obtain the compensation they need. In reality, insurance firms prioritize their profitability rather than giving the victim fair compensation. Some insurance firms even contact the person immediately after the accident to offer compensation for a lower amount. Lawyers recommend not to accept early settlement offers since you’ll end up receiving a smaller amount than you really deserve.

In this case, hiring a reliable car accident lawyer is someone you need when navigating a car accident case. They’re aware of the tricks insurance firms employ to undervalue injury claims. A car accident lawyer can help you get the best compensation for your case, handle the entire process on your behalf, and provide legal representation in court. All these things contribute to increasing your chances for fair compensation.

Apart from the examples above, there are still a lot of myths about car accidents. If you end up involved in a car accident, allow a legal professional to handle the case properly and avoid relying on information from unauthorized people. Doing so can only harm your case by decreasing your odds for fair compensation.

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