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A Good Retirement Requires Meticulous Planning

Your pension and savings can determine if you live in luxury or squalor. In the UK, the average worker holds a pension pot worth around £60,000. Annuities will provide £3,000

café owner smiling

Coffee for the Entrepreneur Soul

Cafe businesses have always been widely popular. Although coffee shops have seen a decline in sales when the pandemic hit, there are still many reasons why starting this kind of

woman looking worried sitting on the couch

Six Effective Strategies to Cope with Depression

Nowadays, no one is a stranger to depression. Characterized by insomnia, loss of interest in activities, lack of appetite, and extreme sad phases, the symptoms of depression can range from

man working from home

Issues That Hound the Work-from-home Scheme

People truly are insatiable. Just when you think that they’ll be happy with the lack of need to commute and the non-micromanagement of bosses, here, they are complaining about a

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