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Partnerships That Scale Law Firms

Lawyers are well-versed and knowledgeable in the legal environment. They help their clients know the strengths and weaknesses of their case and the possible rewards and penalties they may have

meeting at the office

Business Matters: Know Your Way around Legal Concerns

It’s extremely common for a particular business to receive complaints and lawsuits. Business lawsuits can be filed by anybody, from a disgruntled employee to a big-name competitor. Nonetheless, it can

woman in a car

Reasons Violating Traffic Rules Can Lead to an Arrest

The consequences of violating traffic laws and regulations vary by each jurisdiction. However, several common traffic violations can lead to arrest in most states, such as refusing to comply with


How Marriage Affects Ownership and Inheritance

Marriage ceremonies, rules, and roles differ from one society to another. This is evident when you compare serious Congolese weddings to rowdy Lebanese celebrations. But despite the cultural distinctions, marriage

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