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Bailing a Friend Out: Would You Do It?

It happens to the best of us. We can lose control of ourselves, and it could result in breaking the law. It could be that time when you felt so

Man on the phone post-accident

Car Accidents: What Should You Do After?

Dealing with a car accident may seem easy until you get into one. There are a lot of emotions and stress going around, so it may be hard for some

two people talking on the phone post-accident

Drunk Driving: Why It is Always a Bad Idea

Auto accident attorneys in Everett, Washington, will agree that drunk driving is a significant problem in law enforcement as well as public safety. Several lawsuits can be avoided if drunk

paralegal certificate

3 Reasons to Get a Paralegal Certificate

Everybody knows what a lawyer is – a person who defends a client or prosecutes an accused person. But not everyone is aware of what a paralegal does or that

people talking to a lawyer

Getting A Divorce? Here’s What To Anticipate

If you find yourself unable to stay in your marriage, whether or not because of marital misconduct or any other reason, then it would help to first understand how the

Family Lawyer

When Do You Need a Family Lawyer?

A family lawyer can help absolve a variety of legal problems relating to marriage, children, and family. When you need to solve a family issue through legal means, hiring a reputable family lawyer in

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