
Future-Proof Your Career by Developing These Technical Skills

The way we do business is now dominated by technology—think of AI, big data, and cloud. As we embrace the new normal, expect companies to continue to innovate and use technology to thrive. They will likely be on the lookout for candidates with the technical skills needed to deliver their desired results.

Whether you’re a student or a professional trying to switch or shape your career, here are some technical skills you need to make sure you become or remain competitive:

  1. Data Science and Analytics

High school curricula introduce us to the foundation of data analytics: algebra, calculus, and statistics. But if you want to develop skills in data science and analytics, you have to take courses related to big data.

Evaluating large data sets is a complicated task. But it will help highlight trends and reveal crucial details that can help businesses make better strategies. Industries needing big data analytics include finance, health, and education. Study big data science and analytics, and you’ll likely have more career opportunities.

  1. Mobile App Development

There are 3.5 billion smartphone users across the globe, and that number is expected to grow every year. To tap that huge market, many companies don’t just build websites but also mobile apps. Learning to write code and build useful applications for iPhone and Android users can take you places.

Having mobile app development skills come with the perk that if you can build for others, you can create and sell your own. That’s an ideal path if you also wish to run a tech startup.

  1. UI/UX Design

  2. UI/UX

If you want a creative-meets-analytical type of role, consider developing skills as a UI/UX designer. A quick difference between the two is that UI designers specialize in making websites and apps easy to navigate and visually appealing. UX designers handle the research and testing to see the impact of every design element on the user experience. They collaborate with app or web developers and UI designers.

To have the skills of both a UI and UX designer can open doors for you. Almost every company with a website or app hires a UI/UX designer to make sure its investment on the platform brings huge returns. But if you need to choose between the two, go for being a UX designer. Over 80% of managers said hiring UX designers is their top priority, even higher than hiring graphic designers and product managers.

  1. Writing for the Digital Audience

Today’s writing goes much further than using a word processor to craft an engaging piece of content. Writers have to be multi-skilled, especially in the world of digital marketing. They have to understand content management systems and know the basics of technical SEO or search engine optimization. Writers who can navigate websites and social media have the advantage of knowing their audience better. They can create content that doesn’t only attract but also convert readers into customers.

As the world shifts to digital, you can future-proof your career by being proficient in technical skills. And you shouldn’t stop honing these skills to stay relevant and competitive—no matter where you go.

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