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How to Impress Your Customers

There are many ways to attract customers. Some are swayed when you educate and inform them. Some customers are attracted to entertaining content. Some customers are just looking for the best deals. Some place a premium on brand recognition. And some customers are looking for businesses to impress them to get their support.

Impressing customers even before they make a purchase can improve your chances of getting not only that sale, but also a recurring and recommending client.

Here are some digital tools to help you.


Yes, you may have a website, but is it an optimized one? Search engine optimization is impressive because by satisfying the criteria of search engines, you’ll also be improving the customer experience. Improving the speed, the user friendliness, the content, and the overall design of your website will show customers how professional you are at what you do.

Modern websites have a ton of features now. Users can make purchases, chat with sales and customer service, and a whole range of other things. When done right, these features create a more one-stop-shop experience for your potential customers, which will definitely impress them too.


According to Oberlo, email is still one of the most effective forms of digital marketing, partly because of its massive reach — there were 3.9 billion active email users in the world in 2019.

Leveraging email marketing right can earn your business serious increases in sales. But therein lies the kicker. Many people disregard email marketing campaigns because they tend to be spam-y. Avoid this terrible mistake and use email marketing intelligently. Never spam. Use gorgeous graphic design and make your email content concise and intuitive enough so when people click on them, they’re redirected to exactly where they would want to go.

If you’re selling a product, for example, it makes sense that the email routes them to the product page and not your home page. These small things, over time, can definitely impress your customers.

woman by her computer

Online Programs

Impressing your customers shouldn’t stop just because they already made a purchase. On the contrary, building a loyal following for repeating custom should be your ultimate goal. And what better way to do this than to create programs for your existing customers.

Loyalty programs can be an impressive tool. By making your customer become a part of this group, you can sell them products and services more directly. You can also include rewards for repeat purchases and encourage more. This will impress customers because it shows how you treat those who do business with you. Take it to the next level and add personalization to this program — like a card.

Using a customer onboarding system is also impressive. It shows your customers how organized you are with their information and that you’re going the extra mile to introduce what else you can do for them. This also gives them easily accessible options for engaging with your business in the future.

Ideally, your marketing strategies involve a mixture of educating, informing, entertaining, and impressing your customers, while offering the best deals. Follow the tips above to make sure you not only deliver great results and products, but also impress your customers in the process.

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