Traveling in Your Golden Years: How to Do it Better

One of the best times to travel is during the golden years. Many will travel once they retire. According to a study from the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, approximately 67 percent of individuals dream of jet setting upon retirement.

During this time, you no longer have to worry about career and family obligations that shorten your vacation to a couple of weeks per year. With time on your side, you can take a trip to far-flung destinations and enjoy month-long cruises or road trips.

If you’re looking to travel during your golden years, you’ll need to come up with a plan to make this happen without a hitch.

Here are three ways to achieve your travel goals and stay young in spirit:

Establish a Travel Budget

Before you go off trotting the globe and marveling at the historical sites, figure out how much you’re going to earn after you retire. Look at money coming in from various sources, such as rental income, social security, and proceeds from an investment.

If you’re working for a large company, such as AT&T, you may be entitled to retirement benefits. Check with a professional that provides AT&T retirement services to determine what you’re eligible for while you’re with the company.

Next, think about the places you want to visit. Once you have an idea of the countries you’d like to visit, check how much it costs. Include as many details as possible to help you determine how much money you’ll need. Note down daily expenses, such as food, transportation, and attraction tickets.

After you get a good grasp on the total travel costs, set financial goals and timelines. A few of these goals are eating out less frequently, selling one of your cars, and relocating to a smaller house.

Take Advantage of Special Deals and Senior Discounts

Before you pay for your hotel, transportation, and attraction ticket, find out if the establishment is offering discounts or special offers to seniors. These deals will help you lower your overall travel costs.

Some agencies and airlines aren’t actively advertising discounts. If possible, get in touch with the company’s customer service representative and ask about any deals applicable to you.

Check with Your Doctor

You won’t have much fun while you’re out traveling if you’re constantly under the weather. Before you travel, consult your family doctor. A quick checkup will make sure you’re in good health for your future trips. It’s also the perfect time to get prescription medication that you take regularly. The last thing you want to happen is to run out of your meds in the middle of your vacation.

Depending on where you’re going, your physician may ask you to get a vaccine shot. If you’re going to visit Africa, for instance, you may need to get a vaccine for yellow fever.

The golden years allow you to travel and live your life to the fullest. When you take a trip, you get to have fun and stay active at the same time. After all, tours and other travel-related activities help keep your body moving.

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