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What Google’s Algorithm Updates Mean for Your Business

Google makes frequent updates to its search algorithms every year. You might have felt the repercussions of these changes if your website’s traffic has noticeably fluctuated in the last month or so for no clear reason. The biggest concern when it comes to these updates is how it affects your searching ranking and how your SEO strategy can keep up with it. But what else does this mean for your business, and how can you adapt to these changes? Unfortunately, the answer isn’t very conclusive when it comes to Google, but read on to find out what you can do about it.

What do Google’s algorithms do?

First of all, it’s essential to address what exactly Google’s algorithm is. Google’s search engine algorithm is a sophisticated structure that sorts through its exhaustive search index to find the most relevant results for a particular query quickly. Google’s search engine relies on its algorithm and specific ranking indicators to rank its web pages by order of relevance on the front of its search engine results pages (SERPs).

Google performs plenty of updates to its algorithm every year to fine-tune its capabilities and deliver the best experience possible. Sometimes, these updates are almost inconsequential, but other times, it can alter the SERPs. This results in a change in the way your business’ web page is presented in the rankings.

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How can your business’ web page keep up?

The following are some insights into how the nature of your business’ web page will change due to the updates that Google has made to its algorithm this year so far and how you can appropriately respond to these changes.

Optimize your web page for voice search. In 2017, there were an estimated 33 million voice search queries made. This growing trend means that search queries will appear more like a question posed by a human being who is looking for a definite answer to the query they put forth. Your digital strategy should reflect this by being more specific. Your web page and its contents should be the definite answer to certain questions posed by users.

Run an ad on Google’s search engine. While ranking high on SERP is still essential, it’s becoming more and more challenging to do so organically. An increasing number of businesses are now paying their way to the top. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It’s just a side effect of the current state of the internet. Bolster your web page’s reach by running an ad on Google’s search engine. This will put you front and center on the most relevant SERPs out there.

Produce more video content. Videos are more likely to appear on the very first page of SERP as opposed to web pages that simply contain images or plain text. Furthermore, over 60% of Google search queries were for videos. This is why video should take up a considerable amount of your digital strategy. Produce high-quality videos, upload them to a video sharing site, and embed them onto your web page to drive more traffic onto your website. Educational videos, reviews, and unboxing videos are among the most popular types of videos to make.

Keep up with the ever-changing demands of Google’s search algorithm by keeping these insights in mind when planning your digital strategy.

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