Child custody with cutout

Child Custody in Relation to Divorce Proceedings

The end of a marriage is a difficult period for everyone involved. It is more difficult for the children who are stuck with the thought that their family is breaking up. They are burdened by the uncertainty of the life they would have to lead from there on. For most couples undergoing the divorce process, their primary concern is their children and the custody issues that come with the end of the relationship. Before you start searching all over the web for a family law firm in Kent, here are some of the things that you need to know and consider about child custody laws and processes in the United States:

Custody agreements could be done out of court

The question of who gets to have custody over your children is not always automatically answered within the hallowed walls of family courts. In some cases, the process could be resolved by the parents themselves. It is possible for former spouses to reach an agreement on child custody without interference from divorce courts. Some of them get advice on certain matters from mediators, attorneys, or even counselors. These settlements could be accomplished without having the need to go to court. However, in the event that the communication attempts fail and the parents don’t reach any sort of agreement, the child custody decisions would have to be made by a judge in a family court.

Judges always take the child’s best interests into consideration
parents arguing with the child

In every child custody case that reaches divorce courts, the legal standard that judges always follow when making any decision is the best interests of the child involved. Some states allow the parents to draft a proposal when it comes to custody arrangements. If the judge ascertains that the provisions are sensible and will advance the well-being of the child, then they will most likely get approved, especially if both parties agree to follow the stipulations laid down in the proposal. If they get rejected, the judge can provide a modified version or, in some cases, a completely different set of arrangements.

Showing a willingness to collaborate would help your case

While courts are more concerned about the relationships that parents have with their children when making decisions in custody battles, demonstrating a willingness to work with your former spouse might help you get a more favorable decision at the end of the process. Being able to collaborate with the other parent is important because he or she is still an integral part of your children’s lives. Showing the family court that you are open to working together might be able to help advance your cause.

When couples walk down the aisle, more often than not, they envision themselves growing old together and spending afternoons surrounded by their children in the patio of their family home. However, if your marriage ends and you have to part ways with the person you once loved, you will have to make sure that your decisions throughout every step of the process should benefit your children’s well-being. While reaching compromises in constructive and civilized ways might prove to be a real challenge during these trying times, doing so could be the greatest gift you could give your kids at this point. You and your former spouse should strive to work together and resolve the issues that are going to affect your children in the long run.

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