Focus on These Ranking Signals to Get Ahead

The ranking of your website matters because it may make or break your brand. If you are not on the first page, you won’t get as many clicks and fewer possibilities to convert. There are factors that will affect the rank of your site, know what these are and pour your resources on them to get the results you want.

An SEO consultant from Salt Lake City cites the following ranking signals to take note of when creating an online marketing campaign.

Click-Through Rate

The click-throughs your site gets is a strong and relevant ranking signal that you should integrate into your campaigns. Use Google’s Analytics to determine which pages get the highest traffic. Once you identify these, work on its calls-to-action to improve your conversions.

If the CTR is too low, you might have to change and re-write its meta descriptions and title tags.

Search Intention Sync

When a user browses the Internet, they have definite intentions that are along the sales funnel. They might be searching in general for a product or a solution to their problem, or already have something in mind and need a bit more convincing. If your page is relevant to their intent, Google will rank it higher.

Keywords play a role in identifying the behavior of a potential customer. If they input specific brands or places, you can get a glimpse of what they want. One of the ways to help you understand the thought process of a person is by inputting queries in Google and review the results.

The results that come out will lead you to an answer about their intentions.

Content is King and Queen

Algorithms and intentions change over time, but one thing will remain the same, content is still the king and queen of search. The videos, articles, podcasts and others you publish are the reasons people click on your links and browse your pages.

Focus on topics that your audience wants and needs. Build authority and an expert voice in your niche to draw leaders you can collaborate with. Authoritativeness entices people to listen to you and increases the likelihood of conversion.

Detailed is the Way to Go

Google is increasingly favoring longer posts; the search engine wants comprehensiveness from websites. When you make content, make sure it contains most of the information a visitor needs. Include details such as contact information, addresses, solutions, answers and others.

Use TF-IDF analysis to determine the frequency of particular search terms on the pages of your competition’s websites. This enables you to identify relevant keywords and concepts.

Bounce Rate and Time on Site

Closeup on businessman holding a card with CTA CALL TO ACTION message

These two signals are byproducts of user experience, and Google values them when it ranks websites. Create content and include calls-to-action that lengthens the browsing of a visitor. Keep them engaged throughout their experience so that they click the links that lead deeper into your website.

Tease them with snippets or topics that make them want to learn more about it.

When planning a campaign, consider these search signals; these can improve your ranking and get you more satisfied customers. Consult with your team to determine the metrics that enable you to identify intent and the types of content that works.

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