
How Laws Can Help You Get Your Dream House

When it comes to houses, the most important factor is typically thought to be money. Your budget decides where you can buy a property. The closer the lot is to the center, the more expensive the home it’s likely to be. Money also decides the size and the specifications of the house you can afford. But it’s not the only important factor when it comes to properties. You can also use laws to help you get your dream home. Here’s how:

For Renovations and Remodels

It might seem surprising but a civil litigation attorney can actually help you build the house of your dreams. Sometimes, you don’t need to buy a new property. You might already be living in your dream home. It may just need some upgrades and fixes to take it up a notch. The problem is that remodels and renovations don’t always turn out the way you planned. While you may have a clear idea of what you want, your contractor may not execute it as well as they should have. Some contractors don’t even finish the job. They take the money and run, leaving your house in a worse state than its initial situation. These instances happen more often than you’d think. According to New York City’s Department of Consumer Affairs, there were 1,116 complaints against contractors in the city in one year alone. If you can’t reach your contractor after leaving an unfinished project, you’ll need the help of a lawyer to solve the service dispute.

Before any failed projects, you can also hire a lawyer to ensure that there won’t be any problems. One of the best ways to avoid a disastrous renovation is by having an iron-clad contract. It should set expectations and schedules clearly. You should also require that payments would be put into an escrow account. It will ensure that the contractor won’t take the money and leave without doing the job. A lawyer can draw out a contract that’s fair to you and the contractor.

For Property Acquisitions

When it comes to house hunting, open houses are a vital part of the process. For the property owners, it’s a chance to impress and get offers. For homebuyers, it’s an opportunity to see the house up close and personal. However, the problem is that viewing a home for an hour isn’t very revealing. On the surface area, the house can look great and stylish. But there might be underlying issues that only a trained eye can see. A survey by polled 1,000 homebuyers who hired a home inspector. It found that 86% of the inspections found at least one problem in the property. This is where a lawyer can help. They can mediate negotiations to reach an agreement that’s fair to both parties. For example, the house has serious water damage. As both parties bargain, the buyer can argue that the seller should shoulder the repair costs. This can save homebuyers thousands of dollars.

The law can also help buyers regarding disclosures. In the U.S., it’s illegal for sellers to hide major property damage. In some states, sellers are even required to provide a document about the house’s issues. The problem is that they’re only required to divulge that information according to the best of their knowledge. This means that they’re not required to hire professionals to determine if there are any issues that require major repairs. If you can prove that they may have lied or hid important information, you can file a lawsuit against them.

HouseFor Tenancy Disputes

Laws don’t only protect property owners or buyers. Tenants have rights as well. Although the exact policies vary from state to state, the crux is the same. Renters should expect to live in a place that meets safety and healthy standards. Otherwise, you can consult legal help to hold them accountable.

Disputes between landlords and tenants are not anything new, especially for cities with low homeownership rates. But the situation has only worsened due to the pandemic. In fact, the Los Angeles Police Department reported that there’s been a 300% increase in calls due to rental issues.

On the bright side, there is good news for renters. The government has introduced new protections for tenants. If you meet the criteria, your landlord is not legally allowed to charge additional fees or evict you due to nonpayment.

It’s important for everyone to know their rights. There’s legislation that have been created to protect you from abuse, crime, and neglect. It can even help you build the home of your dreams. With the proper implementation of the law, you can save thousands of dollars and avoid issues.

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